I really don't think he wanted to have sex

Reading the comments here, I think you're not lying about it, But you really really need to start setting things straight before it becomes even worse, as is it's already near irreparable.

You have to admit to yourself the damage you've done to have the full amount of sympathy required to your victim, you're not going anywhere with half assed guilt or half assed admission of fault, you have to take full responsibility.

You have to give him space and stop doing any advances, and then try to talk to him, with a real compassion, think of it as "accidentally" poking his eye and continuing doing it after he said it hurts, because you didn't believe it actually hurts, what you think or believe doesn't matter, and your intentions don't matter, it was damaging and it was your fault, own it.

He is not a crybaby for crying after feeling violated, seriously, it is not funny, it is not fine, and if you can't get yourself to understand this, you really should step away from him.

Don't tell him it was a mistake, as it wasn't, it was a series of mistakes that account to a full on fuck up, of large scale, you think others here exaggerate, but they are right that this happening twice is actually criminal level, and that you really should not try to downplay if you really care about him ( I am trying to give you the benefit of doubt here that you actually care )

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread