Custom character in LCD

-- Module Name: LCD_display - Behavioral -- Project Name: -- Target Devices: -- Tool versions:

-- Description:

-- Dependencies:

-- Revision: -- Revision 0.01 - File Created

-- Additional Comments:

library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_unsigned.ALL; -- Uncomment the following library declaration if using -- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values --use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL;

-- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating -- any Xilinx primitives in this code. --library UNISIM; --use UNISIM.VComponents.all;

entity LCD_display is Port ( LCD : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); RS : out STD_LOGIC; RW : out STD_LOGIC; En : out STD_LOGIC; Clear: in STD_LOGIC; Data_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); Clk_100MHz : in STD_LOGIC); end LCD_display;

architecture Behavioral of LCD_display is signal prescaler: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (25 downto 0); signal clock_slow:STD_LOGIC; type state_type is ( S0, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9, S10, S11, S12, S13, S14, S15, S16, S17, S18, S19, S20, S21, S22, S23, S24, S25, S26, S27, S28, S29, S30, S31, S32, S33, S34, S35, S36, S37, S38, S39, S40, S41, S42, S43, S44, S45, S46, S47, S48, S49, S50, S51, S52, S53, S54, S55, S56, S57, S58, S59,
S60, S61, S62, S63, S64, S65, S66, S67, S68, S69, S70, S71, S72, S73, S74, S75, S76, S77, S78, S79,IDLE); signal current_state: state_type;


divide: process(Clk_100MHz) begin if (Clk_100MHz ' event and Clk_100MHz='1') then prescaler<=prescaler+1; end if; end process divide; clock_slow<=prescaler(21);

P1: process (clock_slow) begin if (clock_slow'event and clock_slow = '1') then case current_state is -------------------Function Set------------------- when S0 => current_state <= S1;

            LCD     <= "00111000";

            EN  <= '0';
            RW      <= '0';
            RS      <= '0';

         when S1 =>
            current_state <= S2;

            LCD     <= "00111000";

            En  <= '1';
            RW      <= '0';
            RS      <= '0';

         when S2 =>
            current_state <= S3;

            LCD     <= "00111000";

            EN  <= '0';
            RW      <= '0';
            RS      <= '0';

-------------------Display On-------------------
when S3 => current_state <= S4;

            LCD     <= "00001111";

            EN  <= '0';
            RW      <= '0';
            RS      <= '0';

         when S4 =>
            current_state <= S5;

            LCD     <= "00001111";

            EN  <= '1';
            RW      <= '0';
            RS      <= '0';

         when S5 =>
            current_state <= S6;    

            LCD     <= "00001111";

            EN  <= '0';
            RW      <= '0';
            RS      <= '1';

-------------------Clear Display-------------------
when S6 => current_state <= S7;

            LCD     <= "00000001";

            EN  <= '0';
            RW      <= '0';
            RS      <= '0';

         when S7 =>
            current_state <= S8;

            LCD         <= "00000001";

            EN     <= '1';
            RW      <= '0';
            RS      <= '0'; 

         when S8 =>
            current_state <= S9;                

            LCD     <= "00000001";

            EN  <= '0';
            RW      <= '0';
            RS      <= '0';

------------------ENTRY Mode---------------------------- when S9=> current_state <= S10;

            LCD     <= "00000111";

            EN        <= '0';
            RW      <= '0';
            RS         <= '0';

         when S10 =>
            current_state <= S11;

            LCD     <= "00000111";

            EN      <= '1';
            RW      <= '0';
            RS      <= '0'; 

         when S11 =>
            current_state <= S12;               

            LCD     <= "00000111";

            EN      <= '0';
            RW      <= '0';
            RS      <= '0';

------------------SET CGRAM ADDRESS1----------------------------
when S12=> current_state <= S13;

            LCD     <= "01001000";

            EN        <= '0';
            RW      <= '0';
            RS         <= '0';

------------------SEND DATA TO CGRAM1 ---------------------------- when S13=> current_state <= S14;

            LCD     <= "00000000";

            EN      <= '0';
            EN      <= '1';
            RW      <= '0';
            RS         <= '1';

------------------SET CGRAM ADDRESS2----------------------------
when S14=> current_state <= S15;

            LCD     <= "01001001";

            EN        <= '0';
            RW      <= '0';
            RS         <= '0';              

-------------------SEND DATA TO CGRAM2 ----------------------------
when S15=> current_state <= S16;

            LCD     <= "00000000";

            EN      <= '0';
            EN      <= '1';
            RW      <= '0';
            RS         <= '1';

------------------SET CGRAM ADDRESS3----------------------------
when S16=> current_state <= S17;

            LCD     <= "01001010";

            EN        <= '0';
            RW      <= '0';
            RS         <= '0';              

------------------SEND DATA TO CGRAM3 ---------------------------- when S17=> current_state <= S18;

            LCD     <= "00000000";

            EN      <= '0';
            EN      <= '1';
            RW      <= '0';
            RS          <= '1';

------------------SET CGRAM ADDRESS4----------------------------
when S18=> current_state <= S19;

            LCD     <= "01001011";

            EN        <= '0';
            RW      <= '0';
            RS         <= '0';              

------------------SEND DATA TO CGRAM4 ---------------------------- when S19=> current_state <= S20;

            LCD     <= "00010001";

            EN      <= '0';
            EN      <= '1';
            RW      <= '0';
            RS         <= '1';

------------------SET CGRAM ADDRESS5----------------------------
when S20=> current_state <= S21;

            LCD     <= "01001100";

            EN        <= '0';
            RW      <= '0';
            RS         <= '0';              

------------------SEND DATA TO CGRAM5 ---------------------------- when S21=> current_state <= S22;

            LCD     <= "00011111";

        EN      <= '0';
            EN      <= '1';                 
            RW      <= '0';
            RS      <= '1';

------------------SET CGRAM ADDRESS6----------------------------
when S22=> current_state <= S23;

            LCD     <= "01001101";

            EN        <= '0';
            RW      <= '0';
            RS         <= '0';              

-----------------SEND DATA TO CGRAM6 ----------------------------
when S23=> current_state <= S24;

            LCD     <= "00000000";

            EN      <= '0';
            EN      <= '1';
            RW      <= '0';
            RS      <= '1';

------------------SET CGRAM ADDRESS7----------------------------
when S24=> current_state <= S25;

            LCD     <= "01001110";

            EN        <= '0';
            RW      <= '0';
            RS         <= '0';              
------------------SEND  DATA TO CGRAM7 ---------------------------- 
         when S25=>
            current_state <= S26;

            LCD     <= "00000100";

            EN      <= '0';
            EN      <= '1';
            RW      <= '0';
            RS      <= '1';

------------------SET CGRAM ADDRESS8----------------------------
when S26=> current_state <= S27;

            LCD     <= "01001111";

            EN        <= '0';
            RW      <= '0';
            RS         <= '0';          

------------------SEND DATA TO CGRAM8 ---------------------------- when S27=> current_state <= S28;

            LCD     <= "00000000";

            EN      <= '0';
            EN      <= '1';
            RW      <= '0';
            RS      <= '1';

--------------------------READ DATA FROM CGRAM-------------------------------- when S28 => current_state <= S29;

            LCD <= "01001000";

            EN      <= '0';
            EN      <= '1';
            RW      <= '1';
            RS         <= '1';  

        when S29 => 
            current_state <= IDLE;              

         when IDLE  =>
            current_state <= IDLE;

        when others =>
            current_state <= IDLE;       

    end case;                   

end if;
end process P1;

end Behavioral;

---------------------This is the code i tried with it but as i mentioned i'm newto VHDL design will you help me with us

/r/FPGA Thread