Customer service workers, what are some passive aggressive things you do at your job to piss off rude customers?

Back when I was just a lowly host at a restaurant, there was a customer who pushed me to move into the BoH. One night we run out of English kids menus and only had Spanish ones. Being that the puzzles/mazes are universal entertainment anyway, we used them the rest of the night. Apparently, a customer had a fit about it for some reason and came back up to the host stand, with the menu, and scolded us for giving it to his kid. Mind you, this is my first, personal experience in seeing such blatant racism and I was not having any of it. Every item had an associated picture with it too. I have never seen such ignorance so I made sure he realized this by calmly asksing, "Are the pictures too hard for your kid to understand?". Needless to say, that was my last day. Despite my manager not giving me any repercussions, he gave me a talk in front of this asshole to satisfy him just so he wouldn't lose his business. I walked out immediately after without notifying anyone, leaving the stand unattended. I hope management got the pleasure of experiencing being the company punching bag when they walked into a lobby full of the typical impatient scum we usually served.

/r/AskReddit Thread