[CW Spoilers] - Thoughts about the writing in Civil War

I thought this was great film. I really did. I agree with the "beats" that you've called out here, except maybe Tony Stark the villain. I never got that impression. The real villain of the piece was Zemo, obviously. But my feelings during the movie, and especially after having had several hours to reflect on it afterward, is that Steve is the real antagonist of the film.

Throughout the movie, I found that I was really put off by his actions, starting with the Accords. Now I know Steve is not necessarily a play by the rules guy. I mean, he tried to enlist five different times in five different cities. But this is the same guy who chastised Tony in AOU for creating the Ultron peacekeeping program without consulting others first. But then in CACW, he criticizes Tony for wanting to set up a means to consult others to keep the world safe. Well, which is it, Steve? I also found his unwillingness to compromise infuriating. Even Widow could see that the sensible first step was to sign the Accords as a matter of placating the angered masses. Was Steve really that insensitive to the chaos, death, and destruction that seems to follow the Avengers? What happened to the greater good? And then once Bucky came into play, it was no longer about the Accords, but about protecting his friend. I get that. But again, more death and destruction. It just made my head spin that Tony Stark was willing to make concessions, compromises, sacrifices, for the greater good, but Steve Rogers wasn't.

I am not meaning this as a blast against the writing. I think it was a very deliberate character choice, and I am genuinely curious how you all reacted to Steve's characterization. Am I completely off base here? Have I never really understood Steve? Help me work it out. Because I never thought I would come away from this movie furious at Captain America, but I am. And that is not cool.

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