[D2] Xûr Megathread [2017-09-15]

All I did was the weekly milestones on two characters. I got 32 legendary engrams from the raid in normal drops, that doesn't count the 5 rewards from tokens at 99-40, and the 8 other legendary engrams from chests in the underbelly. You drown in shards, this was not an extreme amount of play time, 8 legendaries and 2 exotics as clan rewards. I work 12 hour shifts as a nurse and I play on my free time the last 2 weeks. Granted I played a lot because of launch hype, but it is still very easy and to get 170+ plus shards by just logging in and doing dailies without the raid. Exotics also drop super often, the fact that their is only 1 exotic xur is selling that I don't own and it's his first week i will not really be spending any shards. I can see legendary shard count rapidly building up to 1000+ in a couple weeks even with minimal play.

So what I'm hoping is they ad heavy ammo synth, shaders for sale for shards, 3 of coins from destiny 1, sparrows, ships, something else. Exotics drop so frequently after 5 xur weeks most dedicated players will own close to every exotic. WE used to have nightfall and raid. The raid has 2 exotic quests, completion of the raid also can grant exotic, clan exp 5000/5000 on all 3 characters can give an exotic, flashpoint on all 3 characters can drop an exotic, glory in the crucible on all 3 characters can drop exotic, nightfall on all 3 characters can drop, every single public event every 50 seconds can drop an exotic. We can literally get exotic at 5x the rate of destiny 1, and we get purples at 20x the rate. Idk long ramble, trust me I love a shorter grind. I hate grinding, but I don't think we will have much to hunt for in a couple weeks.


Xur should sell some other shit because the in game economy is crazy lucrative.

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