Dad gets adoption papers from someone he raised since he was 3 as Christmas present.

Hey never too late to get a dad, or be a dad you always wanted to be!

I don't mean sugar daddies, rather my dad for example still teaches some Praise Dance thing at his church like every morning, and he's in his late 70s. He still goes around and giving advice to younger people and all, and he's Godfather to all the church kids lol. With age comes wisdom, and while I don't care much about the religious part, he does give pretty okay advice to teenagers or young adults. I guess he had practice, after all he raised me and my brother, and we're in our 30s and 40s now lol.

I don't plan to have kids, because all the homosexual thing mostly, but I do plan to pass on the spirit. There are 7 billion people in this world, and I'm sure there are many people who need help out there that can use some dad love. For women there are a lot of communities for this, for guys for some reason we don't talk about it much. But there are a lot of people who can use and offer some mentorship, sometimes they may be in the form of business or career or entrepreneurship mentoring, perhaps you can check out if there are any in your local community!

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