Dads who didn't want the kid

Yep... I had a friend who had an oopsie as a teen and expressed he didn’t want the child from the get. Mother refused to abort, claimed she “can do this on her own” tried controlling him and forced him to pay child support. Bashed his name all throughout social media calling him a dead beat after realizing it wasn’t all fun and games. She willingly took on lower wage jobs to raise his child support when it was around the time to be reviewed. (Almost $1000 for one kid) on top of government assistance, child tax credits, and whatever else. Seeing how the child support system is to men and situations like these - I 100% agree women need to have more accountability in situations like this. I have absolutely no sympathy for women like that, she wanted the kid living in poverty, should of had an abortion or figured it the fuck out. But apparently she knew the ways of the system pretty well!

/r/childfree Thread