dads who's wife left and took the kid, how did you get through it?

I’ve been thru something like this, except she had me quit smoking tobacco and said it was ok to smoke mj instead. We even smoked together before our first girl was born. Later on, she was using that against me in court. Lucky me she couldnt prove there was drug use/addiction and the judge dismissed her claims promptly. It has been 2 years since she left for the last time, there still good days and bad days, she left with my oldest girl and pregnant with my second girl. I went nuts but couldnt give her the chance to walk over me, because she’s the one that wanted the divorce, i’m still thinking she just wanted kids from me, and when she got them she bailed. Since then i have gained so much in court and i get to have my girls for four hours four times a week, she didnt let me see them for 3 months just for being a bitch. Be careful of your words and actions to her, she is now your enemy and will use anything in her power to make you look bad. I dont beleive humans are bad naturally, but we are the result of neglect in our childhood. Get yourself treated, get your head straight, lawyer up, be stealthy and try not to give her anything she can use against you, as she will. I have been suffering with deppression ever since she left, i cant tell you it gets better, because to me better was having a family and a reason to get out of bed every morning, i still have my family, just not at home, but will fight to have my girls 50/50. I kept the house and she walked away, be smart and talk to your lawyer asap.

/r/Divorce Thread