Daily Discussion Thread for January 29, 2021 - Part thREEEEEE

My experience (very average person) with GME/WSB. DIAMOND HANDS 100%

Sorry if this isnt the place for this. Idk where else.

I got on the bandwagon a little late. I learned about what was happening with GME and other stocks last Wednesday. I had always been interested in stocks, and making money by investing. I had saved up some money during the pandemic by doing odd jobs and by cutting back spending. I downloaded Robinhood and moved enough money for 1 share of GME to my account.

Thursday I woke up and saw what was going on and I wasn't able to buy a share. This immediately made me question the practices of the app I had just installed. Not allowing people to buy a stock “for their own protection” when we've realized hedge funds made a horrible bet smells like shit.

My family was impacted by the 2008 financial crisis. I was in 5th or 6th grade at the time and my parents got laid off. Their pensions evaporated. I remember eating canned food; rice and beans a lot. I'm thankful that my parents own their house. If they didn't, I'm sure we would have been homeless. I mainly wanted to invest in GME to make some money when I learned that hedge funds would have to cover their bets that they so conveniently ran up the float to 140%. I'm fairly sure that GME will moon early next week based on all the analysis I've seen over the past few days. Who knows. I will have DIAMOND HANDS UNTIL THE END!

I bought in to GME @ 300. Its a good chunk of my bank account. I'm super late to the party, but I was so happy to see that some people that really needed the money from this got some. Its a good chunk of my bank account. I know that I could lose it and I've come to terms with it. Knowing that we've helped some teachers pensions and are sticking it to the fucks who destroyed the economy and stole so much from average people makes me feel like its worth it.

I feel like my situation represents a lot of people who have put some money into these stocks recently. I think now that average people are using their power and whatever resources they have at their disposal, capital owners and these hedge funds are getting their panties in a ruffle. They've been used to playing their game, by themselves, for their own gain. Now that normal people are putting their skin in the game, and using their own rules against them, they want to complain and cry for regulation. It shows how corrupt the system is and how necessary change is so that everyone can have access to these institutions and benefit on an equal playing field. DIAMONDHANDS MCGEE

/r/wallstreetbets Thread