Dog kills training officer, takes his place in the force.

Makes me wonder if any of the people that give a shit how those dogs are treated, give any shits about how pigs, cows, elephants or other animals are treated and used by humans

They’re against police dog training but they’re ok with keeping a cow or pig in unbelievably disgusting and cruel conditions until they are killed so they can have a fucking cheeseburger at McDonald’s?

Do something about it if you actually care people.

I’m out there busting my ass every single day saving cats, but it’s amazing how many people sit online, bitch and criticize, then do nothing to help the problem yet in fact are contributing to animal abuse in other ways. Like going to the circus, eating meat from mass produced farms/factories or you know, letting their unfixed pets roam outside unattended. Fuck all the Facebook warrior hypocrites

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