Daily Megathread - 26/08/2022

Someone on UC on fixed. A pensioner on fixed. A pensioner with a second home. A pensioner with two homes, with one fixed and one not fixed.

If they are on a pre October 21 rate they aren't impacted by the increase over the past 10 months and onwards until that fixed rate ends

Working tax credit, prepayment meters. There are so many different personal circumstances you need to consider.

Same as above.

Let's talk fixed rates. I just fixed recently for 1 year at circa £3100. I took a gamble that any future government support will be based on direct (through taxation or money of bills) and I'd rather have the security of £3100 rather than the impending doom numbers of 5-6k.

Same as above

Does someone in my scenario get the £400. After all I am on a fixed rate.

Same as above

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