Daily Questions and Help Thread [7/26/2016]

I used the recruit ticket from the giveaway, and it gave me YET ANOTHER gold 3* troll. I know it's a freebie and it's only 1 pull, but I'm still disappointed that my bad luck still hasn't balanced out, and jealous of people on the opposite end of the luck spectrum (those with BF units, Swimsuit units and multiple copies of Durandal and Mjolnir). I would not have felt so bad if I had more 'normal' luck (like, you know, a decent number of grey 3*s, even if they aren't 5*-capable?). Issue is that gold 3*s hurt light P2Ps and especially F2Ps, while whales (the apparent target market) just brush it off by buying as much Lazuli as they like, so Gumi doesn't see this as something to fix.

  1. Is there a 'jinxed' time of the day where recruiting gives large numbers of gold 3*s, or is my game ID jinxed?

  2. Anyone with as many bad draws as me (that would be 19 gold 3*s out of 23 total post-reroll pulls now)? How can we probe Gumi to speed up their unit releases to the point where removing the mana gacha units is expected?

/r/phantomofthekill Thread