Can't download update, keeps giving me "cannot download".

I know this thread is old, but it's a relatively high Google search result so here goes. I've been experiencing this issue for about 6 grueling months! It seems to have worsened in the last 2 months since i started playing Smite (which requires regular updates). Sometimes I can download a full game without issue, but game updates are a nightmare. I tried manually setting an IP and ensuring all the recommended PS4 ports were opened on my router (even added the PS4 to my routers DMZ list), I tried using the Google DNS server in place of my own, I ensured the notifications and downloads lists were cleared and I have 130GB+ free of storage. In the end, I discovered that I have the best results when using my mobile phone (connected to my home WiFi) as a hotspot and connecting my PS4 to it for the sake of downloading updates. I suspect there's something with my ADSL modem/router setup, but I've tried everything I can think of with failed results. This is my workaround for now and I hope it works for others. My modem needs upgrading so i'm probably going to stick with this until then

/r/PS4 Thread