Daily Questions Thread (Jun 26)

Before I go into a ramble, maybe give RDM a try.

Now, to explain why I'm recommending RDM, need to tell my quick story. I'm a tank main at heart, started playing in 3.1 as a PLD and as you know with all PLDs, slowly transitioned into DRK. Loved the idea of PLD but I loved how complex 3.x DRK was and pushing DRK to its limits yielded some really high rewards, and felt great. With the release of SB however, I moved back to PLD as DRK lost that great feeling of complexity.

The class that filled that void however, was RDM. I absolutely hated casting but the way RDM was designed alleviated all the problems I had with it. When looking at how the class is played, at first it looks like some really complex stuff. If you want to play the class optimally, there is no set rotation. At all. It's all a priority if/then system.

This leads to a really unique playstyle where if you want to play the class as optimally as possible, then some really quick thinking is required; I'm talking making split-second decisions within a 2.4s GCD. There's always a (more) right answer, however, depending on which mana is highest and which spells are currently proc'd, but when you're making right decision after right decision, the class feels so fantastic to play.

So yeah, after my ramblings, give RDM a shot, at first seemingly complex, but once you figure out the system and how to "exploit" it (and by that I mean play how it's actually designed), it feels great.

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