Daily Thread - Team Up Tuesday!

Clan Name: The Above Average Casuals

Timezone: U.S. Eastern time

Platform: Xbox One

About Us: We are a laid back, friendly group that plays on Tuesday evenings, weekends, and any other days we can during the week. We play smarter and harder than your average casual. Weekly milestones and endgame completions (flashpoint, nightfall, raid, etc.) are our main goal. More PvE focused but we are looking for more PvP players for Trails and Iron Banana when it returns. We are a chill group, but also trying to get the job done. Ideal members are college-age or older, friendly, competent players, and looking to have fun while putting in their their weekly 5k XP as often as possible. Play the game, help you clan when you can. We have about 14 members currently and are hoping to increase our numbers.

Mic: Required for highly coordinated activities like raids, Iron Banner, etc. Optional otherwise.

Please request to join the clan through this link: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupId=2417922

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread