Data breach!

I just think you’re an idiot who’s blaming others for your stupidity. If you pay your bills like you claim then you would have noticed this months ago. This isn’t a data breach. It’s you being an asshole and demanding others fix your self created problem.

As for the downvote situation. No. Reddit can detect if one user is deliberately downvoting another user’s posts so it doesn’t count as negative comment karma. Not sure what I’d have to gain by downvoting an imbecile anyway.

About being a fanboy... Again, no. I have no love or loyalty to T-Mobile. I just see stupid and enjoy calling it out. If you really did get hit with some FREAK error then you’d have receipts of payment. The fact that you don’t says you’re a lazy American swine who would rather point fingers and throw tantrums than admit they fucked up.

/r/tmobile Thread Parent