Dating a rape victim

You ever see a small child fall over and hurt themselves, and then look up toward their parents to see whether or not they should make a big deal of it?

I didn't exactly enjoy the helplessness of being victimized, and it is pretty shitty how men who get raped are all but dismissed in Western culture but also there's nothing sucking at my soul, nothing's buried or unresolved about it and nobody should let their past ruin their future. My rapist is dead. The idiots who abused my wife are distant, ancient history and probably living a way shittier life than she is now. I know one of them is.

Comforting victims is noble. Coddling victims prolongs their suffering and is a disservice to them as human beings.

So this is one of those topics people lose their shit over a lot, and I'm pretty used to people losing their shit at my cavalier attitude toward it but is it not desirable to deal with shit and move on? Isn't that what everyone is trying to do? Can we define ourselves on our own terms not by what has or hasn't happened to us?

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