day 2 - 34yo - depressed because gambling has forced me to yet again move home with my parents

Your parents should throw you out the house . They are definitely giving you a means to enable your gambling addiction. Until you hit rock bottom, you will continue the vicious cycle of gambling addiction. My suggestion is for you to come to terms w the reason why you gamble to lose. Looks like your suffer from depression, and you gamble to superficially numb your depression (and every wager represents a hit of dopamine to lessen the sadness) . Seek serious counseling. I was in your shoes and hit rock bottom (you will eventually not have fortune of moving in with your parents ) . If you don’t fix this disease, you will devastate not only yourself, but your loved ones. Have fun w your false sense of security as it will crumble beige your eyes . Stay single and never marry as you will crush your wife and your kids.

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