I have a problem.

This will not be easy but you already knew that. Come clean to everyone you love and don't want to hurt. Tell them you are sorry for lying and that you don't want to lie to them but that you probably will again - it's a symptom of your illness. Together with them, come up with a plan to abstain completely. Close accounts. Put your cash in a timed safe. Self-exclude from casinos. Live with a relative who will keep you in-check if you don't have a significant other to do it.

Addiction is a medical issue. Inhibitory centers in our brains cannot deal with gambling urges adequately. If you can afford it, medical intervention can be key. I know a handful of people who were helped greatly by SSRIs or ADHD medication. Some neurotransmitter imbalances caused by uncommon genetic disorders can be solved or ameliorated by taking supplements but again this is not 100% and preferably you would get bloodwork done first to see where you are lacking. Some people simply have a block in B-vitamin metabolism and need methylated versions of those vitamins. But again, you need a physician's guidance.

Your gambling addiction has a physical basis in your brain and a lot of people will not understand that. Society has come a long way towards acceptance of alcoholism and drug addiction, but "substance-free" addictions aren't quite there yet. But "substance-free" is a misnomer. Gambling pumps out tons of dopamine and that's the drug we get hooked on. If you indulge in self-defeating attitudes then you need to cut that out. Our brains simply cannot suppress impulses to gamble as well as most. It says nothing about your intelligence or worth as a person. You were susceptible to gambling addiction from birth, and sharks in human skin targeted you. The gambling industry is quite honestly evil. They know about people like us and they tailor the gambling experience to get us hooked.

I've been clean 15 years. It took me 5 years after declaring I had a problem to finally go abstinent. I've met dozens if not hundreds of addicts. The only thing that really works is complete, permanent abstinence. It seems impossible now, but it will happen if you make it happen.

/r/problemgambling Thread