Pennsylvania is freaking stupid.

I want to exclude myself from all online gambling apps. I am a compulsive gambler when I'm gambling from my cell phone. However, there is a casino 45 minutes away from me. My friends and I go there maybe once or twice a year for birthdays or holidays. When I go there I do not have any problem gambling. If anything I'm quite timid with my money when I'm there. I only bring 300 for gamble 100 for food + drinks. When I gamble online I'll burn thru thousands in a day. It's not even comparable.

So problem is, I do still need to be able to go to the casino 2 or so times a year and event center for gatherings concerts shows work events etc. So essentially I need to ban myself from online mobile apps and PA won't let me do that unless I ban myself from all physical casinos also. I don't want to do that.

So what are my options. Close out all my accounts, but then if I ever want them re opened I just have to contact customer support and tell them I want it open and boom I'm playing again. I can do timeouts. But those only last for between 30 days and 365 days depending on the site. And when the timeout is up the site always emails me and tells me I can play again. So timeout no good. Account closing no good. And self exclude is no good because I can't go to birthday parties and new years eve with my friend group at the casino 2 times a year. Does anyone have any ideas?

I don't know about Gamblock but is very good, they intentionally make it impossible to uninstall once downloaded.

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