De-tribalization thread! What is something you largely disagree with other people on your side on?

More importantly, if you do admit it to yourself, then please feel free to invalidate yourself from any criticism of your GamerGate opposition for groupthink, as it would make you a massive hypocrite.

Since you seem determined to debate this no matter what, I'll put down my position. I happen to think that the drawbacks of occasional frivolous torts and idiot judges sometimes handing out ridiculous awards are far outweighed by the benefits to the middle and lower class that the current tort system provides, such as safety. You have much more luck going after idiot judges and juries.

I've never said I was a progressive.

Then why did you get so upset over brogressive? Jesus.

I have never downplayed her trauma. I have felt severe disgust at her response to it. I do feel like she markets her tragedy for her benefit. These are mutually exclusive arguments.

Whatever your noble intentions, it has connotations of victim blaming and erasure when you mention them in the same breath.

Wu did ask for it once.

That is downplaying her trauma, especially since it was obviously a containment thread for all the nonsense she was receiving at the time.

Do you oppose Randi Harper then?

I oppose certain sentiments of hers regarding "get fucked in your bed" and linking together social media accounts, yes.

You certainly can, and then I can argue against it, just like I have for Zoe and Anita.

What gives you the right to make this determination?

I'm not policing a word she has ever said. If she wants to write for Bustle, get on TV, write a fucking book, or do whatever she wants to evangelize the message that she's a victim, I have no issues with it.

I have issues with her soliciting donations she doesn't need based on that.

"Evangelize the message that she's a victim" is troubling rhetoric. Zoe Quinn has 'evangelized' her harassment, as has Harper and Sarkeesian. Making the determination she doesn't 'need' donations is also still policing. I don't see how that's debatable.

I felt like she's gotten far more harassment then a young woman should possibly get for being fucking indecisive in a relationship, a character flaw very common in young women.

...I'm pretty sure young people in general can be indecisive in their relationships. It's still a mess of a very sensitive situation we shouldn't grandstand in. To be honest, I'm not happy with your willingness to make personal judgments of people's personal lives based on information provided by people who have a grudge.

Funding Brianna Wu gives Brianna Wu money. She's accepting donations to allow her to make, distribute, and sell full-priced commercial products. If you support her Patreon because you like her work, you are paying for the privilege to pay her.

Ok, but it's rather a stretch to go from this to claiming she's bilking her victimization, especially when this spurious accusation is what prolongs this victimization.

she admittedly bought a brand new motorcycle,

I watched the thread when /gamergate/ first got ahold of this and discussed how they could use it against her.

/r/AgainstGamerGate Thread