dealing with anxiety/attacks tips

This is so unbelievably closed minded it's insane. Anxiety and depression is NOT a mindset. It's a mental health disorder and people like you put such a stigma on it. Mental health is serious and it's nothing to brush off like you are. Just cause you can't see a problem physically doesn't mean someone isn't sick. It hurts my head reading how you can seriously think like this. I have depression, I have been diagnosed with depression, there's been days I've wanted to die and thought I was drowning. I am someone who is active I eat healthy and I still have depression. I am on medication for it and I'm so fucking happy I was brave enough to face my problem and see someone to talk about my problems. I'm embarrassed, yes, because the mind set that people like you have make it embarrassing and hard to come out with mental health issues. My life has never been better then when I've been on medication. I understand that it can be a crutch and you do have to seek therapy to find the root of the cause but to talk it down like you have is so unbelievably small minded. I have a good life I own a home, have an amazing boyfriend, a great job, physically healthy and I still have struggles. I had an uncle that seemed to have an amazing life and be killed himself because he was depressed. I can't get you to change your view on this but please be more sensitive. Mental health is a very real issue and it's something you should really put a little more research into. It's not as simple as working out, drinking some water and eating some veggies.

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