Dealing with disillusionment

I assume a different role. To me subconscious is influential, but it's not guiding me intelligently and it isn't a creator. I am a creator and I am guiding my subconscious toward evolution and not the other way around. I give my subconscious tasks. I use my subconscious the way a child would use play putty. So if I am not careful, then yes, subconscious will become my boss, and it will subtly and not so subtly tell me what to do.

I love this, its so nice to hear another creator talk about such moments. Tonight I did something amazing and I currently feel 0 pain in my right ass cheek. The true test will be tomorrow morning though.

I feel we use the same tool but access its powers in different ways. For me how I "control" my subconsciousness is first look at it without a controlling hand. But treat it like something that seems to enjoy respect and recognition.

I always play the student and come at the universe, interdimensional beings, and my subconsciousness as a life force that wants to learn and experience.

Once I feel my relationship is good with the universe and my subconsciousness (all the energy juices are flowing and waiting to be used).

Tonight was a big healing moment. I imagined my whole and thought what a beautiful story, thank you "I actually felt a moment where I could send the creator itself a gift, a realization of its immense system and its ability to produce so much happiness

As I'm saying this in my mind my body is vibrating so fast it comes solid and still. I then realize my energy is being inward, an inward I've never felt before.

I then became a solid block of energy connected to a bright light, almost like I was a flower peddle. I then thought of all the people in my life who helped me through when I was not strong enough. They too became leafs of this cosmic dance of love.

I then said this moment is so purifying, I feel so clean, and I told myself this moment is also purifying your pain and I focused mentally in my energy grid where the pain was located. I then laid hands on this area and immediately I felt it being sucked into the ball of light in the middle and fed filtered purified healing energy back.

We don't have to learn through suffering. If I believed suffering was the only way to learn anything worthwhile, I'd be busy hurting people all around me way more and I'd be doing it deliberately as opposed to unintentionally.

Its true we don't have to learn through suffering. But it seems to be like jumping on a rocket ship to bliss. When you suffer or feel ill problems you first had are simply gone. You actually wish you had those problems. Once you come to terms with your suffering and realize you can go forward until you can't go forward anymore nothing becomes a problem. Its like being given the hardest math problem at a young age, and you solve it. Now all the math problems you see in the future are super easy to solve.

You soon start to never feel sadness, fear, hate, regret, jealousy, etc. Your mind becomes very calm and anything you want to focus on you can 100%, especially energy manipulation.

Anytime I'm comforted by a visitor I realize its being attracted to the energy I'm giving out. Nothing has ever harmed me as it seems the darkest cave cannot put out a bright light. I've been shown what a real bright light feels like and it makes me feel so small but also so eager to learn, to some day become so powerful and spread so much joy.

Its interesting you mentioned child, it seems when you rid of all emotions that seem to only slow you down your emotions change as well. You seem to revert back to a child like enjoyment of the world but you have the knowledge of life thus far. I'm 29 now and I can't wait to see what happens when I become older.

But to each their own, everyone is own their own path and are introduced to the tools in a different manner.

I feel the greatest gift to the creator, is to create. Any moments of time I create I believe are record in time forever. If I feel I created anything with its own will I will always tell it, it can go anywhere it wants but my only wish is to not do harm.

I got very interested in Ram Dass[Richard Alpert] after I discovered the history of LSD (I prefer shrooms any day]. This man could gather a crowd, very intelligent [Harvard psychology professor], studied under top gurus, and people would follow his word, and even worship him.

He's been taught by top gurus and has been around energy of another world. But he still didn't seem to have learned anything from it because he was given a supreme test, a stroke.

He mentions in an interview when the stroke hit him, everything he once knew went out the window. He told himself, he knows how to get over this struggle and yet he suffers. He suffers unti he gets tired of suffering and climbs out of that hole. through struggle the soul grows at a fast rate.

At any rate we all must face the ultimate test/release, death. When those last few moments of life come at you, if you have felt real pain, the shock of death won't be a surprise, but a beautiful end to a wonderful story.

I want my last few moments of life in this wonderful world to be the supreme gift to the creator, not a vomiting of fear/pain.

Again I agree, you don't have to learn through suffering, but based on my past and present it has built me a wonderful system that doesn't seem to be able to be broken but merely enhanced the longer time goes.

/r/awakened Thread