Dear people in a lasting relationship, what's your favorite thing about your SO?

A lot. Can't pick just one.

When a jazzy/funk tune comes on we both immediately start doing an exaggerated version of the twist until one of us starts cracking up.

Every Saturday morning he makes my coffee in the aero press with just the right amount of love and sugar.

He makes his own wrapping paper and cards by cutting out cool designs on 6-pack holders, or postcards, paper bags, etc. when the designs include people or animals he gives them a little speech bubble that says something cute or funny.

He's not afraid to go out there with his style. Before we started dating he was heading to a networking event in an all white outfit. He looked dope.

We've lost entire mornings reading the New York Times silently in bed, and have learned to sense when the other is ready to swap sections. He also knows I always go for Arts & Leisure first.

Sometimes he'll sneak up behind me and rub his hands high speed over my bum cheeks saying "buttbuttbutt"

He'll eat anything I cook, even if it's bad.

His hair is AWESOME.

When I ask him to stop doing something, he actually stops. Unless it involves something that makes me laugh guiltily, then he might do it one more time for funsies.

He takes care of himself and his body, and supports me taking care of mine.

He has a smile like a lightbulb that shines over his whole face. Watching him crack up is the best.

I work A LOT. And he's never complained about it for a moment.

He doesn't like most animals but has found a way to love my spoiled rotten cat.

He has 100% faith in me, and reminds me every day.

Even though he wasn't a super cuddly guy, every night now he'll spoon me to sleep, even though it's winter and my butt is REAL cold.

When I think about spending the rest of my life with him I get so excited I could cry.

He'll probably read this and see this too. I hope he does. Love you so much, Z. You da world's greatest.

/r/AskReddit Thread