We Demand To Be Taken Seriously

It's not the kind of circlejerk I think is good. It feels like genuine bullying now.

That all fans are somehow retards or MRA weirdos or whatever. It makes me feel like shit. This isn't "look at this silly opinion" it's now just "look at these fans of RLM aren't they dumb" and it's not nuanced enough to be funny.

It's like if we literally called everyone who was a DC fan a retard instead of just laughing at "the critics were paid off".

It's just bullshit generalisations with almost no discourse.

The subreddit bar states that you double as a circlebroke as well and I just don't think it's nice at all.

I like DC stuff but I don't feel like the "critics are shills" is directed at me cos I'm not one of those people.

I like RLM but I never felt like "our holy overlords give me my opinion" is directed at me because I don't think their word is fact.

I really despise the Star Wars prequels but I never feel like "they ruined my childhood" is directed at me because I don't think they did.

But when you start hearing "everyone who likes RLM is an idiot" you feel like shit. I get that it's a "circlejerk" but I always felt like it was meant to be like a counter-culture not "make direct fun of any one who likes stuff different from us".

/r/moviescirclejerk Thread Parent Link - np.reddit.com