Why Democratic Policy Making Can't Work

I'm going to tackle the rule that I think was the one most crucial to me in /r/leagueoflegends.

I think the biggest downside of the current state of the subreddit is the fact that it actually has plenty of posts that offer little to no discussion and that refers to the rule of disallowing "low-effort content" (jokes,image links, tweets, etc), as unclear as the rule might seem. There is no actual discussion about the state of the game, no actually thought-out threads that would be almost an everyday thing before mod-free week. Before this week I could spend my 2 hour subway trip just reading what people say about certain champion or build, sometimes articles about esports...

And the path the subreddit is taking right now, with the front page being void of posts that offer good discussion, is like going back in time to when the rule was put in place. Back then r/lol was only a place for a quick laugh and then one would just leave. There was no reason to stay for long, no reason to lurk deeper into the comments, due to there being no discussion, and posts filled with memes and jokes.

And the mods back then made the decision to implement it, meaning people actually had to put effort in creating content and, although it was not the perfect environment, people that created long threads for discussion were actually getting heard, while having several hundred comments in the thread with most people giving their opinions and discussing things.

Right now i feel that there is no incentive for someone to create content that people can discuss. Low-effort content on reddit will always outshine long, thought-out content and people who liked those kind of threads and liked discussion will start pulling away from /r/leagueoflegends, just like pro players did when the subreddit became the place for memes and jokes about LoL.

It happened before the rule was created, and it is happening again. That said i believe you mods must get a fix and find a way to create a similar rule, because, from experience alowing those posts the subreddit is bound to steer away from any kind of discussion.

/r/LeagueOfMeta Thread