Democrats started the KKK

Nice reach buddy.

I wouldn’t mind if he gets exposed unlike you and your support for racist party members/voters. Republicans and Confederate flags go hand-in-hand. It’s almost fact. Democrats being exposed as racists seems to be an exception rather than a constant factor like Republicans.

That weird groping stuff is a universal trait and goes beyond parties. I found out about it and if women or children come forward with claims of sexual assault I would hope he’s held responsible. You on the other hand really don’t notice how much racism is rife with Republicans/conservatives.

If you identify as republican it’s almost guaranteed you’re a shitty person. Nothing buts racists, religious zealots and/or greedy and immoral business folk who like extreme capitalism because it benefits them. I can’t think of a single modern republican supporter or politician who’s respectable. If they are out there they are the exception to their rule.

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