Demographics is Destiny

Asian demographics are interesting. The closest comparison is to Jews. We're a highly educated bunch with a small population. I think the #1 most important thing is to support Immigration. If immigration is shut down, you can be sure that Hispanics will still enter America, black population will hold steady, white may drop slightly but still huge majority, and asian-Americans will disappear.

The population density in Asia is ridiculous, but America and other anglo-sphere countries make it so difficult to immigrate. In fact, other ethnic groups immigrate on larger percentage per capita numbers than Asians. This makes no sense, why? Because of refugee status. Lots of middle eastern, persians. And family reconciliation. Both which Asians tend not to take advantage of because there is relative peace in Asia, and most families are not that big these days. Asians tend to immigrate based on high-skills or investment, both which only have a few thousand slots a year, whereas refugee status can allow millions to enter in one year.

A repeal of the 1965 Immigration Bill or something similar means the death of Asian-Americans. The hundreds of thousand chinese population that built the railroads was swallowed within a few generations without continued immigration.

I think the best strategy for asian-americans is to capture the reins of power like the jews have: politics, media, donations (wealthy asian community). The jews are able to have a disproportionate influence on American policy despite their small numbers. They were able to successfully push for MASSIVE jewish immigration from Germany, eastern europe, western europe, and Russia from the 1900's until the present day.

Asians are doing okay, based on the jewish trajectory. The asian community is becoming exponentially more wealthy than the previous generation. Lots of college grads and white collar jobs, instead of working minimum wage at a restaurant, nail salon, etc. Asians entering politics in asian-majority areas (NY, SoCal, Toronto, Vancouver).

On an individual level, the best but hardest thing you can do is try to become wealthy, and affect politics. The second best and medium is to maximize asian human capital. Help organize asian language skills. Volunteer and create real life asian organizations like this subreddit for asian-american males, where wisdom can be shared with the asian-american community. And the most localized thing you can do is maximize your family, and in some ways this is the most important. Marry a young girl who has good family, good genetics, and pop out a lot. Raise them well.

/r/AsianMasculinity Thread