The Den of Mortal Delights in The Black Temple....why and how?

Their choice was "get on a slippery slope and show the player base that you dont care about your artistic integrity" or "offend people that get offended by basically nothing".

If you argue like that, I could gather a bunch of friends and say that fucking, I dont know, Stormwind is offending me.

This is not a great argument to have. Changing the name of the ship was a smart move. Before they changed it, there was literally no one who was pro "Tyrande's Silence" as a name. If they would have changed the ship's name for any other reason, no one would bitch about "artistic integrity."

The fact of the matter is, the "Hush, Tyrande" incidence rustled jimmies. Was it stupid? Maybe, but some people felt strongly enough about it to cause a fuss. There is SOME merit to the argument, as having a male dismissively tell the leader of a matriarchal society to "hush" would be a HUGE taboo within that society. It was bad writing.

Was "Tyrande's Silence" an obscure reference to that moment in the book? Who knows? The HoTS defense seems shaky at best. Blizzard has a history of making fun of themselves and their fans, so it would not surprise me if it was a reference to the book and said jimmy rustling.

My point for laying all of this out is simple. Blizzard was faced with offending a group of people or changing a ship's name that NO ONE had any attachment to. The decision is simple. I don't know why people are so pissed at Blizzard and screaming "artistic integrity." It is not an issue of integrity. They did not go and retcon it so Orcs are now magical unicorns that want to spread peace and love. They did not go and retcon it so Tyrande murders Malfurion and implements forced castration on male night elves. They changed a ship's name that no one would have even noticed.

TL/DR: This is not the hill to die on. This is not where Blizzard should "make their stand" again overly sensitive people. It is the smallest of concessions that costs them nothing.

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