Depressed because I feel ugly and the girl I like always goes for my friends?

Ok so I'm 16 and yea I know these are he years where everything is rough, atleast for me it is. I've been depressed ever since I entered high school and ya know it sucks. I have no self confidence anymore and when I did have it I barely had any. I feel like I'm ugly cuz never have I ever had a girl tell me I'm cute or good looking or anything of that sort, no girl has even liked me. And one thing that gets me down the most is something about the girl I like. She always acts so nice around me and I always get the feeling that she likes me but as soon as I get all happy about it, I find out she likes one of my friends and she dated one of them before and my friend didn't give 2 sh!ts. We still cool tho. She knows I like her and she always be saying things about it that make me feel good and then next thing you know she's talking bout how she likes one of my friends and really messes me up. It is such a struggle to get over it. I ended up hurting for atleast a month and become as miserable as could be. It happens too much and I need help and people to talk to. Can anyone here help cheer me up and give me tips to get her to like me when I get a chance to do so. I'm so sick of being miserable like this and need y'all help. Please help me!!! I'm seriously becoming done with life at the moment

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