Why Depression Needs A New Definition - Many psychiatrists believe that a new approach to diagnosing & treating depression—linking individual symptoms to their underlying mechanisms—is needed for research to move forward.

I think part of depression should be reconsidered. One of the criteria listed is "unwillingness to work."

Think about this. Your average independent adult, in order to live a relatively normal life, must spend most of their waking hours working.

This work does not entail the basic things a person needs to survive. Work does not involve growing, gathering, and preparing food for you and your family. It does not involve building and upkeeping shelter to keep you and you family safe. It does not involve procuring water, learning and applying any necessary medical procedures needed to keep you and your loved ones alive.

Rather, "work" involves going to a retail store and spending 8-10 hours running a cash register, unloading, counting, and shelving an endless supply of products that are not necessary for survival.

If you're lucky enough to be in an office, it means you spend most of your time running and processing reports comprised of information that will usually then be discarded as your superiors and management decide to do what they wanted to, anyway.

If --god help you-- your "work" entails working for a media company, your efforts are geared towards creating signs, stories, in fonts and colors and designs, that are intended solely to capture the imagination of 1/10000 people who encounter them enough to convince that person to buy the product they don't need in the first place.

Reluctance to do this, to sign up for a life of pointless drugery that serves no purpose beyond ultimately increasing the wealth of people who were born into wealth and by dint of it, reap the lion's share of profits from selling crap plastic to the rest of us -- that doesn't sound like a mental condition.

It sounds like a perfectly sane reaction to a hopeless, oppressive system in which the "sufferer of depression" recognizes that their life is intended to be as useful to the world as a slaughter cow.

"Cheer up, get some work done!" Fuck you, world. I'm not depressed because I don't want to do pointless, thankless work that perpetuates a life of pointless drudgery. I'm just seeing it for what it really is.

/r/Health Thread Link - theatlantic.com