Updated COVID-19 booster shots are now available. Here's what you need to know

I get my flu shots, because I’m around people who might die from the flu. I get my tetanus boosters because fuck tetanus. I got my other dozens of vaccines as a child. I’m not against vaccines. They work.

I said 19 because it feels like that at this point, but it was very clearly sarcasm. I understand some vaccines come in series. My HPV was a series of 3. Not 4-5. Fuck HPV.

COVID stopped killing people after the first set of vaccines. I had COVID before I got a vaccine. I was fine. Still got vaccinated. Got COVID again. Still fine. A dull headache for a few hours for one night each time.

I’m not getting anymore COVID boosters because I don’t think it threatens my life, or those in my life with a single vaccine. If what you say is true about 5 shots equaling full immunization, COVID will be extinct soon then, right? Expect no, because it doesn’t kill enough of the unvaccinated to kill itself off. And doesn’t kill most with a single vaccine. Get the extra shots if you want. There seems to be little to no need except for the immunocompromised and the elderly.

“Congrats”. Really? If you think I’m the one responsible for all the disinformation and conspriacy theories. You’re delusional. Those who disagree enough to not get vaccines willingly take the risk of death. Darwinism always wins in the end.

/r/Health Thread Parent Link - pbs.org