Describe your perfect MCU scene.

Thanks! This is what I imagine Ultrons return would be like. A scary dramatic scene. A plus (in my opinion) would have him observing the party the Avengers are at. Everyone doesn't pay him any mind or really see him. As he observes the scene, he sees Stark and Pym walk in . Before he could sneak out, Stark sees him and puts his hand around the metal shoulder. Steering him towards the crowd.

Stark: Everyone! May I have your attention please!

The crowd is suddenly silent.

Stark: Everyone, I would like to introduce you all to the first SUCCESSFUL attempt at a artificial intelligence! I would like to introduce you to the byproduct of Stark industries and Pym technologies!

As everyone claps, Ultron looks around the room. All he sees is a smiles from various party guest( understandably,the Avengers look a little shaken up by this announcement). As Ultron continues to to look around, he notices Vision staring at him suspiciously. Almost as if he forgot people where still clapping, Ultron walks over to Vision

Ultron: Master Vision, could you please join me in the lab in the back of the building?

Vision: What for?

Ultron: uh, I need to scan all members of the Avengers team. It's for official documents.

As Vision walks with Ultron to the lab, Ultron starts to lock the security doors behind them. Pretty soon, they make it to the room that Ultron was in earlier. It's dark. The only thing we see are the two androids.

Vision: Not to be rude,but how long is this going to ta-

All of a sudden,two drones come out of nowhere to subdue Vision.He tries to fight,but suddenly another drone comes out and grabs Visions head (while he is pinned to the ground). The audience watches in horror as we see red energy flow for the drones fingers to Visions head (a while he screams in pain)

Ultron: Shhh... I'm here to help...

Pretty soon, vision starts to shut down. After a few minutes, he powers back up, but has a flash of red in his eyes. Once Ultron sees this, he let's Vision go, opens the security doors,and lets Vision go.Before he exits, Ultron and Vision look at each other.

Ultron: You know what to do...

Vision nods and walks off. As he walks off, we see Ultron snicker. Behind him,we see the drones quickly starting to build a taller,more advanced looking version of the drones

Ultron: And now for phase 2...

Marvel Studios presents AVENGERS:RAGE OF ULTRON

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