Destiny 2 (Sales, pitfalls, idk?)

IMO beside the core of shooting or action-rpg it's not too dramatically different. I have played WoW since it's release. Complaints come from the forcing of buying expansions, and that gearing is consistent so it doesn't take as long as Legion. With the ease of gearing end game can be lackluster to some atm. It's basically doing mythics or pvp. I can agree with the complaints that the recent xpac didn't add tons of things. There is plenty to come with improvements and future dlc/xpacs. I even didn't even get the deluxe bundle, and still feel the price was worth it. Due to WoW, I'm used to patches coming in waves. This is all my opinion and I very well could have missed some stuff, like the base game heroic raid is now behind the expac wall. That's more on the political/moral side. Still have friends enjoying the game without it.

/r/destiny2 Thread