What does your nutrition look like?

Almost every day... Macros 38c 32p 30f

4am - 10g dry oats, 10g dry barly, 10g walnuts (Oat Jar). Banana. Lots of coffee. Multi vitamins.


1tbs of real mf butter, 5 egg whites, 3 soft boiled eggs, 50g of sour cream, lots of hot sauce. Veggie mix (prepped once per week, spinach, mushrooms, pepper mix, broccli and so on. All mah veggies in one serving). Basically, eggwhite disk with all the veggies I need, chop up soft boild egg, add sour cream, cover in hot sauce, nom nom nom.

Sip on a protein drink during first few hours of work. One scoop of ON Gold Standard Choco, one scoop of Sunwarrior vegan choco. So good. Much gains. COFFEE ALL DAYYY (no later than 3)

Oat Jar again, fruit (maybe banana again, maybe kiwi, skin and all), if I earned it, a spare muscle milk I keep in case of emergency in my office.

150g of Green Yogurt (Fage 2%), Fruit (usually cut up strawberries and/or blueberries), final Oat jar OR 60cal wrap with 2 tbs of peanut butter.

Brown rice (slow cooker with a timer killswitch), Black beans (make on prep days, add peppers, veggies and seasoning to it when slow cooking), 100-200g of turkey breast/chicken mix (I buy a rotisserie chicken and rotisserie turkey breast once a week, dismantle and bag it.).

/r/Fitness Thread