Did anybody else confuse TEAM KILL with actual friendly fire at first?

  1. Low-effort (shitposting) and meme guidelines

To keep post standards high and ensure the majority of users enjoy browsing the subreddit, there are a couple of guidelines we ask users to keep in mind. Posts may be removed for "low-effort" if the content revolves around a meme, an overused joke, or some other trend in the community. Putting a lot of time and work into a "low-effort" post does not exempt it from removal.

Titles should be clear Clearly explain your post in a summative fashion using your title. Users should know what to expect when clicking on your post.

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Titles should not be clickbait Clickbait titles are a low-effort way to gain attention. If your post title contains the phrases "You won't believe this!" or "More info within!", chances are it falls under this category of low-effort posting. Due to the trend of misusing the phrase "PSA", PSA posts will be automatically removed under this rule. We believe that content that is important enough will be seen regardless of having "PSA" in the title.

Posts should provide room for meaningful discussion Every post should be a space for meaningful discussion. While this doesn't mean every post needs to be an discursive essay, posts that don't offer room for meaningful discussion will be removed.

Examples of disallowed posts:

One line joke/pun threads; whose sole purpose is said joke. Post with an empty body (no text) or bodies containing only "title", "see above", "DAE?" or any variation thereof. Post bodies containing only "TFW", "MFW", or any post with extremely minimal text description. Rant based posts which won't provide room for non-inflammatory discussion. Examples include the common-or-garden salt/hype posts. Yes/no answerable posts are not permitted outside of designated sticky threads.

Please restrict all discussion about the subreddit to /r/overwatchmeta.

Concerning reposting Refrain from posting recently submitted information, questions, or content. As a general rule of thumb, specific information or questions should only be posted with a week's separation. More general, widely known information should be postponed for longer.

Please, try to use the search function and FAQ before posting your question.

Automated Posting (Bots) You may not run a bot on the subreddit without prior approval from moderators. Bots will only be considered if they contribute meaningfully to the subreddit or enhance the experience in a constructive way. The standard for what a bot can contribute is higher than regular comments or submissions.

I guess the mods are sleeping or something.

/r/Overwatch Thread