Why did Stormfront ban the word niggеr?

Lmao someone could lose a lot of braincells while reading this butthurt shitpost. White supremacy is already principled, it is the reality you’re unwilling to accept. Whites are the only ones who created valuable civilizations out of pure idealism, ALL best scientists, inventors and writers from 20th and 19th century that created the state of the civilized world as we know it today were White. There aren’t even 10% of valuable existing contributions to this world that weren’t a product of Whites. But of course, you choose whining over facts, you shove that fake Soviet term “racism” in people’s faces as your main and only argument. The more you’re mad the more reality hurts, you utterly dumb twat. I really hope you’re a niggеr tho, it would be sad to see someone of any other race being this stupid and brainwashed.

And btw my intention was not to invite over libtards to put shit on the great site of Stormfront, but is seems like the mention of that name has you all shaking.

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