Why did that stranger have a public meltdown on you?

How about a nice mutual meltdown story? This was well over 3 years ago, so a lot of the detail is lost to memory, I can't for the fucking life of me remember how to operate the self checkout counter... 4011 is bananas though.

Working in a grocery store, self checkout lanes, sometime past 9pm or so, deli, bakery, meat/seafood are all closing or closed. Front end stays open until something like 11pm. Or something like that, don't remember the exact times.

Now a brief note, I am typically a fairly easy-going guy in my work life. I can handle rude customers kill em with kindness, I can handle stupid customers just need to find the right to phrase it, I can handle crazy rude and stupid customers, call management because I'm not paid enough to deal with this shit.

I liked the job, to be honest. I worked as both a cashier, and a... ACDH! Finally remember the job title. Assistant Cash Department Head. Meant I counted tills, carried keys, and supervised cashiers when it was my turn behind the podium, which mostly involved reminding them to take their breaks, and spotting when they needed keys, advice, or a price check.

A guy comes in, obviously irate. He wanted fresh stuff from the bakery, deli, and meat/seafood. He complains about this to me, but I can't really do anything about it. He is angrier than he should have been, to be honest. He had probably had a bad day before he even set foot in the store, and he just worked himself up into a froth while he was grabbing what groceries he could get. I make the standard sympathy noises.

Then he starts having trouble with the self checkout. His paper towels keep getting sent back down the belt. I go over to assist him. He flips out on me, he yanks the damn paper towels off the belt starts demanding that I take the paper towels off. Except I can't. because the self checkout won't let the process continue until the paper towels return back down the belt. It halts and I need to do some stupid override shit, except the guy won't let me, he keeps getting in the way and making a big deal of everything.

I'm trying to help this guy, despite his assholish behaviour, and he just keeps being more of an asshole. I know what I need to do, but he won't let me get a word in edgewise so I can help him. He's ranting about everything he's been ranting about before, trying to make his bad day into something that is my fault.

He starts yelling. I snap. I start yelling. I just remember yelling "I'm trying to fucking help you asshole" then a co-worker comes over, tells me to calm down, go to the bathroom and cool off.

I wash my face, stare in the mirror, regret, question my life choices, get back out there and finish my shift. My co-worker was a hard ass and didn't take any of his shit. He was gone when I came back out.

A few regulars who were in the store expressed sympathy, because this was not typical behavior.

Didn't even get written up. Worked there six more months or so before it killed enough of my soul I couldn't stand it anymore.

/r/AskReddit Thread