didn't know John Bieber was a punk singer

im not up for the justin bieber slander

i think it's weak as fuck

also, hailey baldwin is real homo fodder, isnt she

lol, fuck outta here

it took me a while, but most people will too, and realize they will that people who are famous and like, you know, sell out stadiums and have an ability to make music are like, really fuckin talented, and i dont listen to justin bieber, or his music, nor am i fan of his christian slant (i mean, that's a me problem, i dont like religion period, but at least his christian shit caused him to a modicum of straight if not much much more; i mean i only know a scantling of it like the rest of the general population i suppose), but just shitting on some whole "god take justin bieber and bring back x and z!" like shit, is weak as fuck, and makes me think these motherfuckers cant fight for shit, or that the aggression they think theyre projecting when they say shit like this, isnt seen through, or seen for what it is

/r/CuratedTumblr Thread Link - i.imgur.com