Digging deeper

I was here from the beginning when the sub was still on an invite-only basis. It was created because we wanted a place we can discuss the ME in peace without being ridiculed and insulted by trolls and shills. There was also a prevailing sense then that we should focus on love and not fear. The ME was showing us that reality was malleable. With the synchronicities we were experiencing, it was looking like we now had greater powers to influence our reality with our thoughts and focus. So, the focus was on love and staying away from fear based theories.

What I see now is effectively a hijack of the sub by people who want to focus on fear and being helpless victims of some nefarious forces.

Let’s face it, the root of all these fear-based theories is the fear of death. But have you considered that you may have already gone through a death/awaken cycle in this lifetime? But here you are, still alive. So why this obsession with the fear of death?

Someone had a vested interest in keeping you alive in this human experience, if not you will not be here now. Think about it, you need food, water, and shelter to stay alive at the very minimum. You need food 365 days a year (or for most of it) to stay alive. Think about that for a second. You were born completely ignorant of how to get these things and often to parents who themselves were barely able to cope. Even in adulthood many of us still do not understand money, which is the only way for most people to get these things in modern society.

If it was just down to us to provide all we need to stay alive in this experience, there is no way in hell we would be alive today. No way! It is a miracle that you are alive right now and the only reason for that is, someone is looking out for you and ensuring you stay alive in this experience.

To keep this game engaging there is an illusion of lack created by deeply ingrained beliefs right from birth and continually reinforced throughout our lives. For example, you see images of people starving to death. But the reality is that food and the other things you need to survive in this experience have always been provided to you by a higher power just like AIR, when you need them, but just enough to avoid giving the bag away – that it is all an illusion. That, my friend, is the only reason you are alive today.

Focus on love and positively and enhance your reality. Focus on fear (and being a victim) and degrade your reality.

/r/Retconned Thread