Disappointing to see Bretman still associating himself with Nikita :(

Nikita is the definition of the term "problematic" more so than someone like Jeffree Star, who is just a literal racist, misogynist awful human being.

I don't know at what point in continuously and knowingly disregarding the voices/concerns of a community you're not a part of crosses over into just full blown racism.. but if it hasn't already, she's definitely toeing that line.

There is something to be said about sticking by your close friends but he also really should have an honest and hard conversation with her about her problematic antics.
Sometimes you do need to distance yourself even from those you love if their values do not align with yours and if you don't.. no one can be blamed for thinking theirs and yours are the same.

/r/BeautyGuruChatter Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it