Discussion about the banning of /r/fatpeoplehate

I believe in freedom of expression. We aren't dealing with Freedom of Speech because this isn't government oppression.

That said, if FPH had only kept their hatred targeted towards those who were HAES, promoting obesity acceptance, who flaunted their fat all over the internet, etc...that's one thing.

I personally did not find it motivational. I thought it was mean and ugly. 90% of those posts were not meant to 'motivate' individuals to change. It was a mob of individuals who called people 'it', and 'thing'.

I had a really encouraging conversation with Lee Lemon about a year and a half ago. SHE was great, and I took a lot from that convo. But when I found out she was a mod there, it was deflating. I could not respect someone who, honestly, wouldn't think twice about calling me an 'it' or a 'thing' if I were obese.

But they were getting to the point where any and all overweight people were targets, including those who are not proud of the fact, who are in fact doing something positive about it, and who did NOT promote obesity acceptance. If you showed any sort of happiness that someone was trying to make a positive change: ban hammer. But they stepped over a line, and went into other sub reddits and actively targeted all fat people.

This is part of the reason I literally will never post a pic of myself. Not that I'm fat, but I just couldn't handle the scrutiny at all. But that's just me. I will never post progress pics, even if I work up to being a hard body. It's just my choice. I'm of the thinking that we can always use more kindness in the world, not less.

Reddit fucked up because of their discrimination. FPH is culpable for sure, but there are popular sub's doing worse (doxxing, targeting, shaming, etc) but their message is slanted in line with the admins and many mods so THAT'S OK!!.

FPH should have been given the opportunity to straighten up. If their target was just anti-obesity promotion, fine. It's rude, mean, and petty...I can handle that.

The fact is, other sub's are breaking the rules all the same, but the mods and admins agree with the message of those places, so they remain.

/r/keto Thread