[Discussion] Dating with depression.

I understand why middle aged white men suicide. I've lost two jobs and been homeless for stretches during the couple years I've been on this sub.

I have fought depression my whole life. As a kid I knew I wasn't right. I thought I'd grow out of it. Never did.

When you are out of work you feel useless and a burden on society. When you're homeless, even sleeping in a car as I did, you have no privacy at all. It really sucks. You're always on edge about cops or thieves.

I got on state aid and got meds under the insurance. Helped. Now I'm working again but don't qualify for insurance yet and I'm out. I'm exercising, staying busy and have a place to sleep, though not my own and not ideal, but it helps.

I can cover well and dated like crazy for a year and a half. The constant validation hits helped.

I've leaned on a good friend who fights the same battle. We've helped each other alot. I've made a new friend I've been hard on, but she's awesome and has also been a big help.

I'm waiting for paperwork to clear on a new job in my field. I have my first meet in months tonight, and I'm excited about it. Mostly because she is too.

I dunno. You need help but you shouldn't put it on others except professionals. Meds help but ultimately it's on you to do the behaviors that keep you headed in a positive direction.

I feel better headed back into my career. I almost pulled the switch this time around. I didn't because of my kids. I didn't as a kid because of my mom.

One day at a time. Just like addicts in recovery live.

I'm hopeful.

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