[DISCUSSION] "Male artists for example can get away with being mysterious and leaving everything to the imagination. I feel female pop stars are expected to cultivate this persona, this like fantasy version of themselves that has nothing to do with the music" (Popchops)

I think this is an interesting point and I can totally see how it is a double-standard for (at least some) artists. (I'm speaking only to the quoted bit -- not the entire podcast, which I didn't listen to.)

Tbh, though, for me personally as a listener, I have little interest in "mystery" from either gender. I have little interest in big personas that rely on sheer Fame rather than personality or identity. The artists I love most and follow most are the ones who are authentic and use their art to share part of themselves, their world, their perspective -- isn't that the point of art? Mysterious people are, to me, forgettable. I only remember as long as their current hits are interesting to me. I remember much better and follow more closely artists who show more personality because I connect to them and care. You can't connect to a mystery or care about a mysterious person; you can be fascinated by the mystery and entertained by the music, but that's where it stops. I don't know, though, about the quote's notion that the "persona" (noteworthy word choice) having "nothing to do with the music;" that's just fake, and that turns me off, too. I'm not sure that's what most female artists do or are expected to do. To me, a "persona" or a created character is limiting, like the "mystery" character. I want an artist whose personality is not mysterious or separate from their music but part of it -- regardless of male or female.

/r/popheads Thread