Discussion regarding girls in Jordan.

alright, I’ll be serious for a second:

I don’t know if you noticed, but u/CreepyP4nd4 is young, I’m gonna go with 15-19 years old and by the looks of what he’s going through in relation girls/women is perfectly normal to someone who hasn’t dated that much.

“Are girls egocentric? Why aren’t girls nice and approachable?”

this will absolve itself with time on its own, by the time you hit mid 20’s or early 30’s and your dating skills are set you’d approach any woman you’re interested in and ask her out directly without overthinking it, there is nothing wrong with that.

Let him ask the girls out, let him crash and burn, encourage him. But don’t creep him the fuck out from approaching women just by the virtue of being “a single male”

/r/jordan Thread