Discussion Thread: Seventh Democratic Presidential Debate | 1/14/20 | 9:00 PM - 11:00 PM EST | Part 2

Well if she thought he said that she should have said something. But she let it go or didn't say she felt that way. He said he said something that was distinct from saying a woman couldn't win. Instead she vented to ex-Clinton staffers who only a fool could believe would keep such juicy gossip under wraps because they, whether you think they are justified or not, are bitter about 2016 and hate Bernie for 2016.

She then pretends like she had nothing to do with this. As even David Axelrod said post debate, this was a grenade. This was a bomb her staff lobbed at his campaign given the context. Even if you think he is a sexist or he did say something bad, you can't deny this was a huge danger for him and a down and dirty attack to lob when you claim you are being nice and that you are friends. They did not look like friends in that post debate confrontation.

How could Bernie take the high road when her campaign staffers leaked a nuclear bomb of a statement on his conduct and comment from what was supposed to be a private meeting. Was or was not the meeting private? If he didn't think he said that then should he just not say he didn't?

This fight is on her. Her campaign started it and she provided the fuse which her Clinton partisans lit.

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