[Discussion] Torn on whether or not to adopt a shelter pit bull... am I making a terrible mistake?

This comment has a lot of really good advice and makes a lot of great points. I want to second all of u/icedvanillalattepls points.

I understand your reservations, but I encourage you to learn more about the breed and shelter dogs in general! They are not inherently aggressive. As noted earlier, shelter dogs can come with baggage. Pit Bulls are also one of the most abused breeds of dog and thus, you are more likely to get one with baggage. Baggage can mean all kinds of issues (beyond aggression) and it isn't breed specific.

That said, I also encourage you to check out r/pitbulls. It's a fantastic community and is pretty much exclusively pictures of people's rescued pit bulls being cute. I love the breed and don't regret for a second adopting our boy. He's been a handful at times, but I love him and he's the best snuggler ever.

A couple of things about the breed worth noting if you decide to move forward: * They're pretty high energy. Not like a border collie, but they can get pretty rambunctious. Mine goes stir crazy when the weather is bad and we can't exercise him. He has zero grace, so when he gets zoomies its like a bull running through the apartment. * They're not always great with other dogs. This isn't always the case by any means. I know several people with multiple pit bulls all happily living together, but I do believe they have a higher inclination towards dog reactivity. * They're actually quite good with humans. From what I've read, even sh*tty breeders using them for malicious purposes will cull dogs that show signs of human aggression. * BSL is a serious thing. I would definitely read up on it and educate yourself if you rent/plan on moving. * Training is critical. Because there are so many negative stereotypes surrounding the breed, you need to be your dogs advocate. * Their farts can seriously clear a room.

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