Reindeer Chow

hi all!

there are some great changes/improvements to the sub that a lot of users have been asking for. now that we have some more active modship, i was hoping we could start to tackle these!

the ones that i can remember off the top of my head:

  • a tag/flair system by dish type. is it an appetizer/entree/dessert/snack? is it vegan or vegetarian? what kind of meat does it use? is it a slow-cooker recipe?
  • stickying the recipe at the top of the comments section for easy access. (also, cuts down on the number of people complaining about lack of measurements)

and here are some individual suggestions i've heard:

  • disallowing drug-related recipes, i.e. cannabis-infused honey, or this post about cocaine
  • maybe having a weekly or monthly requests thread where users can request specific recipes? since we don't really control the exact content (only one or two posters here created OC), i don't know how useful this would be, but a couple of people have suggested it.
  • this may be low on the priority list, but i think it would be great if we had a nice subreddit banner! if any users are interested in designing a banner, we could accept submissions or design a contest of some sort?

let me know if you guys are interested in brainstorming on how we can implement some change around here! :)

  • hung
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