(Discussion) What is your simple life?

Debit-free, stable job, being able to save some money monthy to retirement and emergencies. Be able to save montly to a trip now and then. Have health insurance, eat healty, reduce consumption, etc.

I also include some minimalist rules in my life, and I never ever would change my cellphone or computer every 2 years as most people do. I use till it is completely over. My computers last 10 years and my cellphone 6-7 years with me and I do not understand the concept of geting a new product if what you have is still useful.

I live alone and I try to reduce all my basic expenses (water, energy, internet, food, bus) to 1 minimmum salary (R$750 - 210 dollar) [[[I live in Brazil]]. The rest of the money I get I split into health insurance, retirement, taxes, and emergencies.

I do not eat at the street, prepare my own lunch everyday and save a lot of money doing so, and eating healthier.

At Sundays I lunch at my parent's house, or I go to some restaurant.

If you think $210 is not that much, I can tell tell you here in my country there are poor families that need this money to feed not only 1 person but 4 or 6!

My expenses:

  • $15 - Water
  • $40 - Electricity
  • $30 - Internet
  • $45 - Bus (70% payed by my company)
  • $150 - Groceries and food (mostly bread, rice, beans, ham, cheese, vegetables, chicken, fish, and fruits)

Consider my actual salary is $600... I spend half of it with my needs and save half of it.

But keep in mind I live in my own house, no debit, 400 square feet. To rent such a place here it would cost me around 250$, thats all my expenses together.

But, sadly those number are not US reality. So I can't help you. I just advice to save as much as you can and get used to a "poor" condition. In the future you surely will grow in your job, study more and get better salaries. But you can't spend like a king if you are not wealthy yet.

One more tip, cancel your credit card. I never had one and I just miss it when I want to import stuff. All the rest I save money and pay without CC.

/r/simpleliving Thread