DNA test shows Subway sandwiches could contain just 50% chicken

I had the worst experience with that. First time i ever had one, i figure fuck it, why not. Late afternoon on my way home from work and pull in to KFC. They ask me to pull around the back because they're making it, i guessed. Keep in mind im starving, tired from work and sick of the traffic. I wait at least 10-15 minutes getting progressively more pissed off as each minute passes.

So they pop out the door and hand it to me looking all crazy and not saying anything, so naturally i think they jerked off or something else horrific in my food. i dont care, just want to get back on the road and eat my sandwich. Well it was already scalding hot through the bag. I thought i'd just open this bitch up and let it cool a little bit. Even put it under the AC on full blast for a moment.

I'm pissed off and starving at this point thinking this has got to be the best damn thing in the world and i take a bite out of it and cheese lava hits the corners of my mouth and back of tongue. Burns like a sonuvabitch, trying to wipe, no drink and almost hit the car in front of me.

Furious now and pissed of at everyone else for being on my road while im trying to eat and get home. Not to be defeated i just keep eating it. It still burns and i can't really taste shit. each bite pisses me off even more and by the time i got about 3/4 of the way done i wrap it up defeated and throw it on the floorboard.

fuck the KFC double down. this incidentally has nothing to do with my username.

/r/nottheonion Thread Parent Link - cbc.ca